Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Retro Hair -Do Wiggy Style

I love retro hair! Back in the day, women of color would spend hours in the beauty shop (or at home) styling and ironing their hair. Then carefully pinning each curl into a desired style. Finger waves were all the rage and easy to do. However, now days it seems that it is difficult to find a stylist who knows how to style retro hair. Several months ago I went to an upscale salon/spa to get my hair done for New Years Eve. I asked for simple victory curls with a super man curl in the front. The stylist gave me a grandma mannequin roller set. Disappointed, but I was in a hurry and made it work that evening.

Not wanting to put up with the stress and aggravation, I do have a stylist who has a clue when I show her a picture. However, in between times I have been looking on the Internet for wigs that can be worked into a retro style. Well there is not much on the web for this subject, but I did find a wig on YouTube that the lady worked into a fabulous retro do. The draw back is that it is short, and short hair does not look good on me. I am going to try it out and let you know what I think.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

This Ol' House

The first time in my life, I am officially a homeowner. Okay maybe I married into it, but I am excited nonetheless. Actually we were contemplating buying an older house, but that is another post. I am totally addicted to the latest design shows, and often wonder where the designers get their inspiration.

I am totally feeling the American design for our home, without getting too country. I look around our neighborhood and get that vibe from neat lawns and picket fences. Plus it is easy to maintain and incorporate in an merging household. Well will see how it works out!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mr. Telephone Man

My Mom always stressed the importance of good telephone etiquette.

1) If they are not on the caller id, don't answer it.

2) Tell them (the tele-marketer) "no" nicely in English. If they still don't get it, tell them "no" not so nicely in French.(When did Mom go to France?).

3) If the phone is ringing off the hook...sometimes it is best to leave it off the hook.

A couple of years ago my Mom had a serious dislike for the telephone, she refused to own one. Of course this caused me a little annoyance, but it gave me time for pen and paper use. It really didn't effect me until I went to visit her one year after a particularly difficult period. I love going home to Florida, especially the sugar white beaches(until now...thanks BP!), and sea air. I decided to extend my stay for a while longer. One day I see a sheriff approaching my car as I am about to go in Mom's house. I am going through things in my mind(like did he catch me jaywalking, or did they see me remove a tag from a mattress..). He asks me if I was so and so. I told him my Mom has the same name(I know what you are thinking could you sell your Mom out lol.) Well he asked me my birth date, so he had the right person. I had been called up

by the Army Reserves for active duty! Mom keeps a cellphone close by her now lol!
Mrs. O
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Learn from your past...

Greetings! My family and I are the newest addition to the culture of the "generational sandwich." My husband and I are raising kids while taking care of an elderly parent. I believe each generation can teach things to each other that are true , funny, and relevant.

I heard something on the local radio the other day. Many Americans were distressed about the mortgage crises that caused a domino effect of home foreclosures, job losses, negative effects on Wall Street. The guest on the radio show had stated that the current economic crises was based upon the Depression of the 1930s. The children of that era had experienced hunger like never before, lack of clothes, and a warm place to sleep. The children grew to adults who vowed never to have their children live in lack. The 1950s were fueled by a time of idealism, and entitlement, dare I say the birth of a culture of greed. Critics say this contributed to the sentiment that every American deserved a white picket fence, a dream home, and the latest toy for their kids.

I think what the gentleman had to say, was a bit of a stretch. I am not an expert in economics or the 1950s. It definitely defined that time period was not just bubblegum and roses. The civil rights movement was turning from a mere whimper, to an angry growl towards the end of the decade. Children were practicing drills in school from fear of being bombed by the enemy.

Bottom line is, I am not saying the 1950s were perfect....but this middle of the century decade was a defining moment of American idealism . I would like to incorporate in this blog some nuggets from that era and how it bridges the gap between two lifetimes.

Mrs. O